Nota de prensa

Atrys Health will be listed on the Main Spanish Stock Market on 7th February.

3 de febrero de 2022

Atrys, a global firm that provides diagnostic services and precision medical treatment, and is a pioneer in telemedicine and next-generation radiotherapy, will join the main Spanish stock market on Monday 7th February after receiving the approval of its prospectus for admission to trade its shares on the former continuous market by the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission (CNMV). With this milestone, the company finalises a six-year journey on the BME Growth in which it has multipled its market capitalisation almost fortyfold, from €16 million to more than €600 million.

Atrys, whose Extraordinary General Meeting on 10th December approved the application to delist its shares on the BME Growth and the simultaneous application for admission to the main market, will debut on the latter through a listing. Its shares will start trading on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges and will be included in the Spanish Stock Exchange Interconnection System (SIBE) as of 12pm next Monday.

The company will be the first company to be listed on the main market in 2022, and will be the third to make the jump from the alternative market of the Spanish stock exchange to the main market, following in the footsteps of MásMóvil and Grenergy. The operation will not require any prior capital investment or the increase of its current free float, which is made up of around 3000 shareholders. Atrys will keep the same ticker: ATRY.

In the words of Santiago de Torres, Chairman of Atrys, «with the confirmation from the CNMV that we meet all the necessary requirements to be admitted for trading our shares on the Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia stock exchanges, we are closing the first stage of our trajectory and beginning a new chapter in the main market where we will seek to provide more liquidity to the share, bring in new national and international investors and drive our organic and inorganic growth plan».

Exponential growth since its launch on the BME Growth

Atrys has also seen some solid growth. In terms of revenue, its turnover has lept from €4.5 million in 2016 to proforma earnings of more than €85 million in just the first half of 2021. And in that same 6-year period, it has gone from a 44-person strong workforce to boasting a team of more than 2,000 at present.

Of the two main business areas into which Atrys divides its activity, precision medicine (which encompasses its diagnostics, telemedicine, advanced radiotherapy and smart data) performed more than 6 million medical tests, 280,000 laboratory tests and 60,000 oncology treatments in 2021. The preventive medicine area which is dedicated to prevention and training in the field of occupational health and safety serves more than one million workers. The area has a network of 234 branches where Atrys is introducing innovative preventive and diagnostic services.

In terms of inorganic growth, Atrys has made five new additions to its arsenal in the last year alone: in genetics,  the Portuguese genetic diagnostics and predictive and preventive medicine firm Genetyca ICM; in nuclear medicine, SIMM, which specialises in nuclear medicine diagnostics; in oncology, the Portuguese oncology group Lenitudes, a point of reference in diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, and the Swiss company Radio-onkologie Amsler, which also operates in the field of high-precision radiotherapy; in prevention, the occupational risk prevention group Aspy, for which it carried out a successful takeover bid backed by 99.75% of its capital. Following these operations and the ones carried out in previous years, Atrys is now also present in Portugal, Switzerland, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.