R&D Projects

Modelo predictivo mama

Identification of a predictive model in breast cancer through the application of Molecular and Systems Pathology.

The main aim of this project is to develop a diagnostic test that allows the proper differentiation of the different subtypes of breast cancer in order to identify patients who may potentially respond to treatment and those who will not. To identify common genetic or molecular patterns in breast cancer that lead to a more precise prediction of the patient’s future progress and that can also be expressed in a specific diagnostic test.


doctors lead the project


The project aims to predict the patient’s future progress with greater accuracy.

In order to successfully achieve the project’s objectives, Atrys is collaborating with doctors Joan Albanell and Federico Rojo, from the IMIM-Hospital del Mar, in Barcelona.

To achieve the objectives


The project is co-funded by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI).

Financial blockers

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