Cancer is the leading cause of death in Europe with over 3 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths each year. Among the different types of cancer with a high incidence in the population are non-small cell lung cancer, metastatic melanoma, and skin cancer. For each of these there are different types of treatment, but none of them are able to increase patient survival rates. Hodgkin’s lymphoma is a rare disease and its treatment consists of chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy on affected lymph node regions, with the percentage of people who do not respond to chemotherapy being very high and they have a poor prognosis for the disease.
In recent years, a high level of efficacy has been observed in the oncological treatment of advanced tumours through immunotherapy, despite not obtaining satisfactory results in clinical trials to date. As a result, it is considered vitally important to continue research into treatment with the aim of significantly increasing the survival rates of cancer patients.
new cancer cases per year in Europe